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Customer Testimonials

See below for our recently completed projects for this year from January onwards



Mudford, Yeovil

Project for Mr Enticott in Mudford, just outside Yeovil. The old thatch was stripped down to the rafters and re-thatched in water reed - Completed in April 2021


Dairy Cottages - Mapperton Estate

2 Dairy cottages, re-thatched in combed wheat straw for Lady Sandwich of Mapperton Estate, Dorset - Completed March 2021


01 Mrs P (stur)

The quotation was very competitive, the work was far beyond my expectation.


The thickness of reed was way beyond most on the eaves. This was to prevent the drip off, thus not making the walls too 

wet when it rains. 


The former farmhouse is looking quite beautiful, lovely blonde reed

super eyebrows and a thatched gable on the galleon window.  I couldn't be happier with the completed thatch. 


I can only say a big thank you for making Barton Farmhouse look amazing once again.


Sturminster Newton

Our current project in Sturminster Newton for Ms Parsons. Stripped down to the rafters in areas to allow us to replace rafters using ash poles and re-battened using split hazel. The property has been re-thatched in water reed - Due to be completed June 2021

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